I have 39 open tabs on my Chrome browser. I don’t know if this is my daily average, but I’m sure I have over 20 tabs open on a daily basis. I use Instapaper to save links and articles I want to get to later, but I still leave open tabs because I think I can read everything. I rarely shut my computer off, so some tabs stay opened for days. Maybe I have a problem.

So here are the sites I had on my tabs this week. Most of the links are Web Dev learning resources. Maybe I’ll make this into a weekly thing.

Cool App Ideas Repo

Resources for Learning React

React Focused Front End Study Guide

A Study Plan to Cure JavaScript Fatigue

React-Redux Links

Practical Modern JavaScript - Online Book

Wes Bos Redux Course - It’s free!

The Great Gatsby Bootcamp - 4:30 YouTube Tutorial

The Modern JavaScript Tutorial - Fundamentals

The CS50 Lectures - So freaking good!

React Hooks Docs

The Front-end Handbook

The Best Frontend JavaScript Interview Questions written by a Frontend Engineer

An open source list of developer questions to ask prospective employers

Front End Web Dev Quiz

JavaScript Web Quiz

Preparing for a Front-End Web Development Interview at Top Tech Companies

The DOM Spec

Dissecting Front-End Job Titles

So, You Want to be a Front-end Engineer - Video

How to Graphql

Formatting Dates with JavaScript

Tailwind CSS