Hi, I’m Jay Cruz and I’m a Web Developer based in Orlando, FL. I mostly dabble in client-side JavaScript to build websites and web apps. I like using React and sometimes Vue for building Front-End apps.

I started tinkering with HTML and CSS back when I got my first PC in the early 2000s when I tried to make my own website. This got me interested in Web Design which eventually led me to getting a degree in Interactive Design in 2017. I took a stab at being a Web Designer for a bit, but I transitioned into Development and in 2019-2020 I did a Coding Bootcamp.

This site is just my humble off-the-radar web log where I’ve been documenting my journey into this new career and other interesting musings.

When I’m not slinging code I’m hanging out with my beautiful girlfriend and my dog Oliver.

Reach Out

Portfolio: http://yarocruz.surge.sh/

Email : yarocruz@gmail.com

Twitter : JayCruz

Github: yarocruz