Bootcamp Week 11
This was another long week. We were supposed to finish the week this past Wednesday March 11, but the Corona Virus happened. The class on Wednesday got cancelled and all remaining classes on campus are cancelled until further notice. We will keep going, but the classes will be held remotely.
We started week 11 with building servers with Node.js. We used the http module, learned about the different methods that come with that module, and started with simple exercises. We learned about routes, how to create them, and render different views depending on which route you visit.
We also took a look at what comes with the request and response objects. The last thing we looked at was the POST method.
On the second day, which was day 32, we started playing with the Express package. Express makes things so much cleaner and easy to understand. We went a bit deeper into routing, particularly routing things dynamically by using placeholders like /:something to search for something.
On day 33 we did our first remote class. That day was just us building an app that would schedule reservation requests to a restaurant.